
Now that you’ve got a nice blog on WordPress.com, why not get your own domain to brand your site?  Here’s how you can easily register a new domain or move your existing domain to your WordPress site.

既然您在WordPress.com上拥有了一个不错的博客,为什么不使用自己的域名来为您的网站打上烙印? 这是您可以轻松注册新域或将现有域移至WordPress网站的方法。

By default, your free WordPress address is yourblog’sname.wordpress.com.  But whether this is a personal or a company blog, it can be nice to have your own domain to really brand your site and make it your own.  Or, if you already have another website and want to use WordPress as a blog for it, you could even add blog.yoursite.com or any other subdomain.

默认情况下,您的免费WordPress地址是yourblog的名称.wordpress.com。 但是,无论这是个人博客还是公司博客,拥有您自己的域名来真正塑造您的网站并使其成为自己的网站都很好。 或者,如果您已经拥有另一个网站,并希望将WordPress用作其博客,则甚至可以添加博客。 yoursite .com或任何其他子域。

Adding a domain to your WordPress.com is a paid upgrade; registering and mapping a new domain to your account costs $14.97 a year, while mapping a domain you already own to your WordPress blog costs $9.97 a year.

向您的WordPress.com添加域是付费升级; 将新域注册和映射到您的帐户每年需要支付14.97美元,而将已经拥有的域映射到WordPress博客每年需要支付9.97美元。

Getting Started


Login to your blog’s dashboard, click the arrow beside Upgrades in the sidebar, and select Domains.

登录到博客的仪表板,单击侧栏中的“ 升级”旁边的箭头,然后选择“域”


Enter the domain or subdomain you want to add to your site in the text box, and click Add domain to blog.



If you entered a new domain you want to register, WordPress will make sure the domain is available and then present you a registration form to register the domain.  Enter your information, and then click Register Domain.

如果您输入了要注册的新域名,WordPress将确保该域名可用,然后向您出示注册表格以注册该域名。 输入您的信息,然后单击注册域


Or, if you enter a domain that’s already registered, you will see the following prompt.



If this domain is a domain you own, you can map it to WordPress.com.  Login to your domain registrar account and switch your nameserver to:

如果此域是您拥有的域,则可以将其映射到WordPress.com。 登录到您的域名注册商帐户,然后将您的域名服务器切换为:







Your DNS settings page for your domain may be different, depending on your registrar.  Here’s how our domain settings looked.

您的域的DNS设置页面可能会有所不同,具体取决于您的注册商。 这是我们的域设置的外观。


Alternately, if you’re wanting to map a subdomain, such as blog.yoursite.com to your WordPress blog, create the following CNAME record on your domain register.  You may have to contact your domain registrar’s support to do this.  Substitute your subdomain, domain, and blog name when creating the record.

或者,如果您想映射一个子域,例如博客。 yoursite .com到您的WordPress博客,在您的域名注册处创建以下CNAME记录。 您可能必须联系您的域名注册商的支持。 创建记录时,请替换您的子域,域和博客名称。

subdomain.yourdomain.com. IN CNAME yourblog.wordpress.com.

子域 yourdomain .com。 在CNAME yourblog .wordpress.com中。

Once your settings are correct, click Try Again in your WordPress dashboard.  The DNS settings may take a while to update, but once WordPress can tell your DNS settings point to it, you will see the following confirmation screen.  Click Map Domain to add this domain to your WordPress blog.

设置正确后, 在WordPress仪表板中单击“重试” 。 DNS设置可能需要一段时间才能更新,但是一旦WordPress告诉您DNS设置指向它,您将看到以下确认屏幕。 单击“ 映射域”将该域添加到您的WordPress博客。


Now you’re ready to pay for your domain mapping or registration.  Depending on your purchase, the information and price shown may be different.  Here we’re mapping a domain we already have registered, so it costs $9.97.  Select your method of payment, enter your payment information or signin with your Paypal account, and continue as usual.

现在您已经准备好为域映射或注册付费。 根据您的购买,显示的信息和价格可能会有所不同。 在这里,我们映射的是我们已经注册的域,所以它的价格为9.97美元。 选择付款方式,输入付款信息或使用Paypal帐户登录,然后照常继续操作。


Once your purchase is finished, you’ll be returned to the Domains page on WordPress.  Try going to your new domain, and make sure it opens your blog.  If it works, then click the bullet beside the new domain, and click Update Primary Domain.  Now, when people visit your WordPress site, they’ll see your new domain in the address bar.  You can still access your blog from your old yourname.wordpress.com address, but it will redirect to you new domain.

购买完成后,您将返回到WordPress上的“域”页面。 尝试转到您的新域,并确保它打开了您的博客。 如果可行,请单击新域旁边的项目符号,然后单击更新主域 。 现在,当人们访问您的WordPress网站时,他们会在地址栏中看到您的新域。 您仍然可以从旧的yourname .wordpress.com地址访问博客,但是它将重定向到您的新域。




Having a personalized domain is a great way to make your blog more professional, while still taking advantage of the ease of use that WordPress.com offers.  And, if you have your own domain, you can easily move to your site traffic to a different hosting provider in the future if you need to.  The process is slightly complicated, but for $15/year we found this one of the best upgrades you could do to your WordPress.com blog.

拥有个性化域名是使您的博客更加专业的一种好方法,同时仍可以利用WordPress.com提供的易用性。 而且,如果您拥有自己的域,将来可以根据需要轻松地将站点流量转移到其他托管服务提供商。 这个过程有点复杂,但是每年15美元,我们发现这是您可以对WordPress.com博客进行的最佳升级之一。

If you want to see an example of a site created with WordPress, check out Matthew’s tech site techinch.com.


And, if you’re just getting started with WordPress, check out our series on how to Start your WordPress.com blog, Personalize it, and Easily Post Content to it from anywhere.

而且,如果您刚刚开始使用WordPress,请查看有关如何启动WordPress.com博客 ,对其进行个性化设置以及从任何地方轻松向其发布内容的系列文章

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/18799/add-your-own-domain-to-your-wordpress.com-blog/