如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Early Apple Watch models lacked one significant feature: an always-on display. That changed with the Series 5, which includes a low-temperature polycrystalline oxide (LTPO) display. The option shouldn’t affect the Apple Watch’s battery life, but here’s how to turn it off.

早期的Apple Watch机型缺少一项重要功能:始终显示。 这种情况随着Series 5(包括低温多晶氧化物(LTPO)显示器)的出现而改变。 该选项不应该影响Apple Watch的电池寿命,但是下面介绍了如何关闭它。

从Apple Watch禁用它 (Disable it from the Apple Watch)

Start by pressing the Apple Watch’s digital crown.

首先按下Apple Watch的数字表冠。

如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Locate and tap on the “Settings” app. The icon looks like a gear.

找到并点击“设置”应用。 该图标看起来像一个齿轮。

如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Scroll down and then select “Display & Brightness.”


如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Tap on the “Always On” option.


如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Tap on the toggle next to “Always On” to turn the feature off.


如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Alternatively, you can leave the always-on display enabled and toggle on “Hide Sensitive Complications.” This setting won’t turn off the Apple Watch’s display, but it will keep any private information from showing when the screen isn’t completely awake.

另外,您可以保持常亮显示并启用“隐藏敏感并发症”。 此设置不会关闭Apple Watch的显示屏,但是当屏幕没有完全唤醒时,它将阻止显示任何私人信息。

从iPhone上的Watch App禁用它 (Disable It from the Watch App on iPhone)

You can also disable the Apple Watch’s always-on display through the “Watch” app on your iPhone. To do this, open the “Watch” app from your homescreen. To locate it, use Apple’s Spotlight search to find the app.

您还可以通过iPhone上的“ Watch”应用程序禁用Apple Watch的常亮显示。 为此,请从主屏幕打开“观看”应用。 要找到它,请使用Apple的Spotlight搜索来找到该应用。

如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Scroll down and then select “Display & Brightness.”


如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Tap on “Always On.”


如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Select the toggle next to “Always On” to disable the Apple Watch’s always-on display.

选择“始终打开”旁边的切换按钮以禁用Apple Watch的始终显示。

如何禁用Apple Watch的始终显示

Again, you can toggle on the “Hide Sensitive Complications” option if you want the Apple Watch not to display private information when the screen isn’t fully awake.

同样,如果希望在屏幕未完全唤醒时Apple Watch不显示私人信息,则可以打开“隐藏敏感并发症”选项。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/441346/how-to-disable-the-apple-watch’s-always-on-display/