在Google Chrome浏览器中使儿童浏览更安全

If you are worried about the websites that your children could accidentally visit while browsing, then you may want to have a look at the Kid Safe – LinkExtend extension for Google Chrome.

如果您担心孩子在浏览时可能会意外访问的网站,那么您可能想看看适用于Google Chrome的Kid Safe – LinkExtend扩展程序。

Kid Safe – LinkExtend in Action


Before going any further you may want to have a quick look at the options. Everything is enabled by default but it is recommended that you disable the “Allow entering unsafe sites Option”.

在继续之前,您可能需要快速浏览一下这些选项。 默认情况下,所有功能都是启用的,但建议您禁用“允许输入不安全的站点选项”。

在Google Chrome浏览器中使儿童浏览更安全

For our first example we visited “chatroulette.com”. As you can see in the screenshot WOT and McAfee SiteAdvisor gave the website a “green rating” but when it came specifically to its’ level of appropriateness for children LinkExtend gave it a “yellow rating”.

对于第一个示例,我们访问了“ chatroulette.com”。 正如您在屏幕快照中看到的那样,WOT和McAfee SiteAdvisor将该网站定为“绿色等级”,但专门针对儿童的适用性级别,LinkExtend将该网站定为“黄色等级”。

在Google Chrome浏览器中使儿童浏览更安全

Our second example was “hotbabes.com”…obviously not a good website for any child to visit. You can see that the entire window area has been totally “blacked out” and the available information for this site from each of the six ratings sources. The “Toolbar Button” is also displaying a “red rating”…

我们的第二个示例是“ hotbabes.com”……显然,这不是一个让任何孩子都可以访问的好网站。 您可以看到整个窗口区域都被完全“涂黑”,并且六个评级来源中的每个评级来源都提供了该站点的可用信息。 “工具栏按钮”也显示“红色等级”…

Notice the two links at the bottom of the ratings screen…both will be visible if the “Allow entering unsafe sites Option” is not disabled (see Options above).


在Google Chrome浏览器中使儿童浏览更安全

You can see the difference for the links at the bottom of the ratings screen if you have the “Allow entering unsafe sites Option” disabled. Definitely much much better…

如果禁用了“允许输入不安全的站点选项”,则可以在评级屏幕的底部看到链接的区别。 绝对好多了……

在Google Chrome浏览器中使儿童浏览更安全

Clicking on the “Find Kids Sites Link” will navigate the tab to the Yahoo! Kids website.

单击“查找儿童站点链接”,将选项卡导航到Yahoo!。 儿童网站。

在Google Chrome浏览器中使儿童浏览更安全

The extension will also place “ratings buttons” beside search results at Google. As you can see in the screenshot below not all of the results had information available for them at this time. But it is certainly a lot better than nothing at all when it comes to keeping your children safe.

该扩展程序还将在Google的搜索结果旁边放置“评分按钮”。 如您在下面的屏幕快照中所见,并非所有结果目前都具有可用的信息。 但是,在确保孩子的安全方面,肯定比没有要好得多。

在Google Chrome浏览器中使儿童浏览更安全

A close-up look at the ratings for one of the search results.


在Google Chrome浏览器中使儿童浏览更安全



While no browser add-in makes for a perfect solution the Kid Safe – LinkExtend extension will definitely be a helpful addition to your family’s Chrome browser.

尽管没有浏览器插件可以提供理想的解决方案,但“儿童安全– LinkExtend”扩展绝对是您家庭的Chrome浏览器的有益补充。



Download the Kid Safe – LinkExtend extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载Kid Safe – LinkExtend扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15386/make-browsing-safer-for-children-in-google-chrome/