在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本

Are you tired of having to open external text programs every time you need to save a few notes? Now you can add a “built-in” notepad to Google Chrome with the Chromepad extension.

您是否厌倦了每次需要保存一些笔记时都必须打开外部文本程序的问题? 现在,您可以使用Chromepad扩展程序向Google Chrome添加“内置”记事本。



You will be prompted with the following message window asking you to confirm installation of the extension. Click “Install” to finish adding Chromepad to Google Chrome…

将出现以下消息窗口,提示您确认扩展的安装。 点击“安装”以完成将Chromepad添加到Google Chrome中…

在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本

Once installation is complete you will see this message displayed along with your new “Toolbar Button”.


在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本



You can use one of three methods to access the options for Chromepad. The first is by right clicking on the “Toolbar Icon”, the second is using the “Chrome Extensions Page”, and the third is using the menu in the drop-down window itself.

您可以使用以下三种方法之一来访问Chromepad的选项。 第一种是通过右键单击“工具栏图标”,第二种是使用“ Chrome扩展程序页面”,第三种是使用下拉窗口本身的菜单。

在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本

This is what the “Options Page” currently looks like. The main area of interest is the “LocalStorage Text Box”…

这就是“选项页”当前的样子。 感兴趣的主要区域是“ LocalStorage文本框”…

在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本

If you have had notes from an older version of the extension “disappear” when you update to the newest version then they will be found here. You can “re-add” them back to the drop-down window. This is an example from one of our portable installs when we updated to the newest version…

如果您在更新到最新版本时有扩展名“消失”的旧版本注释,则可以在此处找到它们。 您可以将它们“重新添加”回下拉窗口。 这是当我们更新到最新版本时的一个便携式安装示例。

在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本

Chromepad in Action


When you click on the “Chromepad Toolbar Button” you will see a small drop-down text window like this. There is also a small and very useful menu included.

当您点击“ Chromepad工具栏按钮”时,您会看到一个小的下拉文本窗口,如下所示。 还包括一个很小且非常有用的菜单。

在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本

If you need to resize the window while adding notes you can do so easily using the “Extend Grip” in the lower right corner of the text window.


Note: The drop-down window will return to the default size shown above when closed and then reopened.


在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本

At the moment you can not select a default font for the text so your text may appear slightly different based on the font settings in your browser. As you can see the notes that we typed for our example look very nice. What is even better is that your notes are saved for the next time (after you restart your browser)…simply open the text window and start where you previously left off.

目前,您无法为文本选择默认字体,因此文本可能会因浏览器中的字体设置而略有不同。 如您所见,我们为示例键入的注释看起来非常不错。 更好的是,下次(在重新启动浏览器之后)会保存您的笔记……只需打开文本窗口,然后从先前中断的地方开始。

Note: You will not be able to add images to the notes.


在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本

If you prefer you can even detach the drop-down window from the browser…definitely a nice touch.


在Google Chrome浏览器中添加“内置”记事本



Chromepad is an extremely useful (and highly recommended) extension for Google Chrome to help you keep track of the notes that you collect throughout the day.

Chromepad是Google Chrome浏览器的一个非常有用(强烈推荐)的扩展程序,可帮助您跟踪全天收集的笔记。



Download the Chromepad extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载Chromepad扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9267/add-a-built-in-notepad-to-google-chrome/